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All and AboutThe Text Editor provides language editing service from proof-reading, editing and translation specifically for Master’s thesis, Final Year Project (FYP) and academic writing in English...


Terms and Condition Submission of material: For paper below 5000 words, submission is one (1) week earlier and will be returned within one (1) week...


Service Charge The service is ranging from:
Service 1: Master’s thesis RM 2.00/page for the first 50 pages and RM 1.50 for remaining pages...


Friday, August 13, 2010

Service Charge

The service is ranging from:

Service 1: Master’s thesis
RM 2.00 per page for the first 50 pages and RM 1.50 for remaining pages

Service 2: Final Year Project
RM 1.50 per page for the first 50 pages and RM 1.00 for remaining pages

Service 3: Academic Writing 
RM 1.00 for all pages

Service 4: Translation
RM 0.05 per word translated

For Terms and Conditions, please visit or drop a line at